Richard Decker Mar 25, 2019

There is one certainty in life.

Things are going to happen.

It’s called change and it is constant.

If there is anything I have learned over the course of my life, is that change is not usually requested. I do not have the chance to give my permission for change, yet, I can still ALLOW it to happen.

When you ALLOW change, you begin to walk down a path most fear to tread; a path paved with uncertainties and lack of control. Yet, at the same time, this path requires mindfulness and by being mindful, you simply apply All Love and Leave Out Worries.

What would Allow mean for you?

 No one is expecting you to allow something bad to happen to you such as letting someone take advantage of you or allowing something as tangible as someone not repairing your car or home as you requested.

I’m referring to the emotional happenings we deal with every day that are reactions to the disappointments from the relationships we share with others. From the smaller things such as, someone not returning an email, a phone call, missed a date or was rude to you, to bigger betrayals like lying and being unfaithful, stealing or breaking your trust.


The truth is, if someone asked our permission to disappoint us, without hesitation, we would say no.

And yet, here we are.

They disappointed us and instinctively we took it personal.

We simply cannot wrap our heads around someone’s motivation for behaving inappropriately towards us, and so we react with anger and resentment.

Think about the last time you truly felt angry about something that happened or something someone did that was out of your control.

How did you respond?

If you reacted, did it make you feel better? Did it give you the closure you needed?

Imagine if you could react to those situations differently.

Consider the following words when seeking to react differently to a situation that has bothered you:



Take action and look at It All from start until now. There is no good or bad or indifferent. There is just what was and what is. The was you might not of had, had a choice but the is you most certainly do



Apply Love to all as love has happened for you not to you



Do not leave the emotions you have attached with the love you've reached



 Throw out the negative impact anything and everything had on you and find the silver lining in it.



 All of your worries will be left behind when you finish applying the elements of allow to your situation. It is then that you will know that you've been thorough and have Allowed, All Love Leave Out Worries -  And your enlightenment will be discovered.


When you apply ALLOW’s vibrational meaning, you will be brought to a place of gratitude as nothing happens to us it all happens for us. Whatever it is that has been done cannot be undone it’s happened. The only thing we are in control of is how we allow it to affect us.

With All Love Leave Out Worries, you let the air travel through you and begin the process of healing. By acknowledging other’s behaviors as their own you remove yourself from the problem and start seeking a solution.

For every bad comment, mean gesture or disappointment, we have the power to decide how we respond.

People will be who they're going to be, now ask yourself who are you going to be. By being allowing we can approach challenging obstacles with All Love Leave Out Worries and Inspire New Growth.

Now go Allow.
