WISH--We Invoke Spirit's Help
Richard Decker May 26, 2019

I t  i s  i n  t h e  W I S H  t h a t  w e  b e g i n  t o  c o - c r e a t e  w i t h the 

s p i r i t

Make a wish to yourself before blowing out the candles on your birthday cake.


If you find a wishbone in your soup, let it dry, then with the help of another person, make a wish to yourself, and pull the wishbone apart. If you break off most of the wishbone your wish will be granted.


If you happen to see consecutive numbers, close your eyes and make a wish.


Got a penny handy? Make a wish and toss it into the fountain.


Wishes and wishful thinking influence different corners of our lives. Wishing invigorates our soul and gives us hope for getting or experiencing something we’ve always wanted. When we wish for something we are calling upon something, otherwise mystical, to transpire and help our dreams become reality.


Whether we are aware of it or not, we subconsciously rely on “wishing” to grant us what we desire most.


“I wish I won the lottery.”

“I wish I would have done things differently.”

“I wish we would spend more time together.”

“I wish you the best.”


We call upon our wishes for ourselves and for others to happen, practically on a daily basis. We do all of this yet we realize that if our wishes are to be manifested, they also need to be guided with more than just our thoughts.




Spirit energy.


We don’t have the luxury of discovering a magic lamp that will give us a genie capable of granting our every wish, so we must make do with our own abilities. But we are more magical than we give ourselves credit for. Let’s take manifestation, for example. Manifestation is more or less bred out of our wishes. We wish to have something, so we manifest it to be true.


In so doing we make a plan that aligns with achieving our wish, followed by our intention, which is our focus and drive towards our wish, and carried out by our spirit energy, which is the vibrational energy we let out that paves a path right towards our wish.

Such a beautiful understanding. To wish is to Invoke our Spirit’s Help. Close your eyes, make a wish as spirit resides inside of you not outside of you. We are all creators in this great creation. All we need is to go inside. Nothing in the external world brings the happiness you seek. So go and make your wishes come true by believing in your own source energy. Wish others well as that projects your love to them and brings good fortune to all.

I wish you well says it all.
