YOU--Your Own Universe
Richard Decker Jun 03, 2019



You - Used to refer to the person the speaker is addressing

Giving New Meaning

You - Your, Own , Universe

a s  Y O U  l o o k  a t  t h e  U n i v e r s e  i t  l o o k s  a t  Y O U ,

f o r  w e a r e  a l l o n e

You says it all. 50 trillion cells make up You. You are your own universe,

your own galaxy which looks, acts and feels different from anyone else. We only see 1% of ourselves when we look in the mirror and only 1 % of others when we look at them , 99% of us is hidden from the human as well as our senses of touch , taste and feel. 

Learn how to take care of your 99% so the 1% can reveal the real you. With meditation proper nutrition and exercise you are fortifying your 99%; the foundation to the 1% that the world sees.

It’s foolish then, to assume that we should be anything but who we are destined to be on this earth and yet for some of us, we are programmed to fit a standard image of what our surrounding society has suggested we should be. Whether it’s through our career choices, the clothes we wear or the people we bring into our inner circle; we are governed and more heavily persuaded by our extrinsic factors than our intrinsic ones.

But we’ve only satisfied but a sliver of our true potential as beings here in the physical world. And for as long as we are here inhabiting our planet, it is up to us to fulfill our purpose for being here. It is our spiritual duty to set forth and align our spirits with what makes us unique.

We’re only capable of doing this however, if we honor what our inner spirit tells us. It’s so easy to get caught up with comparing your life to others or living the life they want you to lead, but ultimately this will leave you feeling empty inside with only more questions about your purpose here on Earth.

 Seeking your potential and finding your purpose is all part of what drives your passion. If you find you are deeply moved by injustice, then your purpose and potential may call you to represent or help others. If you are driven towards innovation, then perhaps your purpose and potential are driving you towards creating resources, tools or communities capable of carrying humanity into its next phase.

But seeking our purpose in life is not relegated only to our careers, in fact, let’s not even look at it this way. Instead, let’s consider our purpose and potential here in the physical world as the acts of service we provide when we interact with others around us or our natural environment.

Too many times we bely such negative views of ourselves because we don't feel like we live up to the standards and expectations laid out before us; spearheaded by a society obsessed with conformity. We’re better off, then, to see ourselves as individual embodiments passing through this world and offering up that which resonates organically with our spirit and soul.

Why force yourself to sit on the sidelines if you’re more compelled to be front and center as the lead?


Why accept the duty of being the one to face the crowd if you’re better suited and more ensconced to operate behind the scenes?

But how to overcome these, frankly, programmed views and behaviors?

Take one day, or hell, even one week doing something that authentically inspires you. If you’re already doing it, excellent, try it out in another arena of your life, then. An arena that you may be more hesitant or resistant to approach with your authentic self. After, set aside some time and reflect on how this experience made you feel before, during and after you did it. Now compare your answers with how or what you’ve BEEN doing all along and take note, because there is nothing more blatant in life, than what the truth reveals.

If you find that your feelings from that one week are a far departure from your typical experiences, then consider switching things up a bit.

Let’s look at an example to illustrate what I mean.

Let’s say you have a 15 year old whose steady going through the motions and emotions of puberty. You feel less connected with them and so your response is to just leave them alone in their own space. You may occasionally knock on their bedroom door to ask them a question, or holler down the hall to let them know dinner’s on the table, but your interaction with them in general is limited.

But you don’t feel good about this, and you miss your child. You feel like you don’t know them anymore, and frankly, you don’t because it’s easier for you to keep them isolated and trapped as one version of themselves that’s comfortable for you to connect with, than to connect with the human being that lies on their bed texting or who quietly and apathetically eating their food in front of you.

So switch it up. Instead of closing that door once you’ve asked your child a question or divert a conversation to your spouse or other child to avoid conversation with them, try setting up a day for the both of you to spend time together. If the thought of one-on-one discourages you, let them invite one of their closest friends as well as invite one of yours. But be mindful not to default to speaking to your friend each time things get awkward. This is, afterall, about doing something you would not routinely do but something that resonates deeply within your spirit.

But this is a just one example out of a myriad that's tied to doing things that inspire us. I'm not telling you how to parent, but rather illustrating what it looks like to break away from what is expected of you and instead do something that makes your spirit and soul feel nourished.

Perhaps being a more present parent is what inspires you; maybe it's what's part of the unique working definition of you.

 It is how we feel that we reveal; so be kind to yourself as that's the first miracle of everyday you get to be you in your own universe. When you wake up say thank you as that source energy deep inside your 99% kept everything in your internal universe moving along to give you life.
