Richard Decker May 06, 2019



Soul - The spiritual part of the human being or animal regarded as


Giving New Meaning

Soul - Share, Our, Unique, Love

W h e n  w e  l o v e , i t  i s  f r o m  o u r  S O U L  t h a t  w e  e x i s t

The soul is mysterious.

It’s complex.

It’s just as unique as our fingerprint; never replicating itself exactly the same way across humans just as the imprint on our fingers never replicates itself the same way across each digit.

Our soul is uniquely ours and is the gatekeeper to our emotions as well as our internal and external behaviors.

The soul is comprised of more than just our life experiences, and it encompasses more than just our internal radar for establishing our morality and beliefs.

Stop and think to yourself for a moment the number of times you’ve ever uttered the phrase, This doesn’t sit well with my soul whenever you’ve been faced with some deep moral conflict. That’s because our soul has the capacity to speak to us in ways verbal or body language simply can’t. It serves as our moral compass and is a secret language that only a few can understand---hence how we find our soulmates.

But most importantly, our soul reveals our UNIQUE ability to share tenderness and love in vast ways.

To live from the soul is to be able to Share Our Unique Love, for we are just that--unique beings expressing our love in unique ways. The eternal beings of love, our quest to find a place where we can express our love in unique ways and to live from that place will present us with an extraordinary life.  

For one, the soul knows no anger, nor does it express any superficial judgment; the soul is our source of life and we are the colorful beings we are--however good or bad that may seem--because of our soul.

Take a moment to realize that love is where we came from yet no one love is the same as the other. Once we are able to recognize this we then unveil our unique love and share it with whomever respects it; if they don’t, then accept it for whatever the outcome is; it just means it wasn’t meant for them and they do not know how to receive your unique love because they too are unique to their needs and wants.

The Soul holds no one in any higher regard than the other. When you live from the soul you attract everything from a place of love, since love is the most powerful energy on earth; more powerful than our electricity. The soul gives us eternal life as it breathes in experiences and exhales expression from love. When we live from the soul we are one with everything just as everything else that belongs to this great Uni-verse is (one).
