HOPE-Have Only Positive Experiences
Richard Decker Apr 22, 2019
F o r  i t  i s  w h e n  w e  h a v e  H O P E  t h a t  t h e  d o o r s  o f 
c o - c r e a t i o n  o p e n.

What would it be like if the media only reported positive news for a day?

Do you think it would change the way people behave?

Would we be kinder to one another? Would the number or crimes for that day decrease?

Humans propensity for being attracted to negativity is pervasive. But it’s hard to tell which came first. Did the media manage to “normalize” negativity to the point where we’re only in tune to it? Or are we naturally more inclined to gravitate to the negative?

The social sciences has all but exhausted this topic and what we’ve been told time and time again, is that we are attracted to negativity for various reasons.

  1. We’re problem solvers--We like to solve issues or have something to ‘work’ on. It makes us feel productive and makes us feel as though we are doing meaningful work.

  2. We’re egoists. Finding the flaws in something or someone affords us the opportunity to compare ourselves with others.

  3. We’re scared. Bad news triggers our fear reflex making it easier to grab our attention and, well, control us.

But with all of this negative programming our society has found itself falling down a rabbit-hole riddled with doom and gloom.

The next time you turn on the TV, we want you to stop and notice the number of commercials you see advertising for cancer or heart medications; or the number of medications and therapies treating gut disorders, and what you’ll find is that those commercials are on a steady increase compared to years past.

What you’ll find is that our environment is sick; therefore, so are we.

Particularly within the past 3-5 years in western society, we are realizing just how strong the mind/gut connection is, and that if your gut is sick, so is our mind and vice versa.

This is why Hope is so important.

It is important for our well-being and survival.

Without hope, we are unable to reserve room for happiness, and without happiness, just like a wilting flower, we slowly die.

Dwelling on the negative, or surrounding yourself with negativity only expedites your death. If not physical death, then spiritual death.

There are a few things that happen to us when we’re negative:

  • We don’t feel like doing anything; we feel depressed and hopeless

  • we feel angry

  • we feel isolated

  • we feel as though we have no purpose in life

Imagine the weight that comes with feeling this way. It is truly death.

This is primarily why doctors and researchers tell us to exercise, be social, eat well and get plenty of rest. By doing these activities we are creating positive experiences.

A word in the physical form if we are not careful can set the stage for disappointment. It is great to have hope in things but it’s even better to have hope in others and share that hope to Have Only Positive Experiences. In the world of no judging which is where we should all come from there is always positive as we grow through everything and growth is exactly why we are here. To Truly give Hope we are at a higher vibration and are giving Love to those and what we hope for. Do not be attached to the outcome, just be in the experience the moment and grow from it, as that is truly HOPE.


H.O.P.E to all,
