TRUST-To Really Understand Soul's Touch
Richard Decker May 14, 2019





Trust - Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability of something or someone

Giving New Meaning

Trust - To, Really, Understand, Souls, Touch

I t  i s  w h e n  w e  f e e l  T R U S T  t h a t  w e  a r e  c o n n e c t e d  

s o u l f u l l y  n o t  m e n t a l l y

If you were ever a child growing up in the US primary school system, then we’re sure you recall the “trust fall” game. When someone would cross their arms and purposefully lean backwards in hopes that the other surrounding people would go in to catch their fall. There was a slight variation to this game for primary children, as the person falling backwards, would be assigned a specific person to catch them from falling, and not an entire team.

As is the spirit of young primary school aged children, some kids would catch the other child’s fall, while others would let them hit the ground out of jest or spite. And either children would go on merrily being friends with the person who caught them or end up in the nurse’s office with a face soaked with crocodile tears. The trust fall game, for some kids, seemed to be their first introduction to ‘trusting’ and learning how to believe in the people around them.

Flash-forward 20+ years later, and what is the adult version of this game?


Office Politics?


Investing in the stock market?

Our Government(s)/ Police Force?

It seems that at every corner of our adult lives, we’re continuously playing a ‘trust’ game. The outcomes vary from situation to situation or person to person; either leaving our hearts and minds entirely open or devastating us to a point where we want to keep everything and everyone shut out from our life.

But take a moment to look at ‘trust’ from a different lens. Let’s draw some comparisons between our trust system, and let’s say…..driving! Some psychologists* suggest that if you’ve undergone a traumatic situation, let’s say in this case, a car accident, you should return to your normal routine as soon as possible because this can help conquer your anxiety sooner. Because your brain and emotional response mechanism will not have enough time to develop strong negative or anxiety-ridden emotions connected to the accident, your body will allow you to be more willing to set foot back inside a car again.

By getting back in your car as soon as possible, you have literally shifted your ‘trust’ response and feel more inclined to trust yourself and others behind the wheel, again.

By now you have probably already realized that this suggestion doesn’t just apply to physical accidents; it can apply to incidents involving matters of the heart and mind, as well.

A divorce, bad break-up or embarrassment at work.

Because your marriage didn’t work out, you’re now deciding to rule out every or any future partners because you can’t trust that you’ll ever marry again?

Because your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you or started losing interest in you, are you now deciding that you’re never going to trust another person who enters your life, again?

You made a mistake at work and your boss reprimanded you in front of your fellow co-workers, are you gonna’ quit and never return back to work because you can’t trust that it won’t happen again?

When did you begin allowing your trust to hinge on the thoughts, actions and feelings of others?

When did it become a second party’s responsibility to shape the people and things you trust in, in your life?

Our society has been tainted, in a way. Because we have developed an environment where we measure our responses within the context of outside experiences. We never stop to think of our ability to control our internal response to it.

I’ve touched on this concept before on many occasions throughout this book, but it’s an important one because I believe a poisonous seed has been planted into the minds of many and has populated their minds into believing that external forces have as much agency over their lives than it really does.

I'm not suggesting shutting off your humanity or empathy towards others or specific events; Nor am I telling you to defy authority, especially if you’ve done something wrong. But rather, I want to really drive home the importance of taking control of the situation that is negatively impacting you and focusing primarily on your role within it.

Marriage didn’t work out? Ok, doesn’t mean the next one won’t.

Partner cheated on you? Ok, doesn’t mean the next one will.

Boss yelled at you? Ok, doesn’t mean that they will tomorrow.

Many people allow the emotional responses, physical actions, and persuasive words of others to define the world we live in, and frankly, that’s frightening. Because it means we have created a system of ‘trust’ based on others.

But this is unnatural. It is far from how our soul and inner vibrations work.

When we trust, we feel connected by energy via the Soul. As our Soul

sees all and reveals what it feels only as we allow others in without

blockage of any kind, then in order to freely give trust is to open your soul to them.

What they do with your trust is not your concern. If their reaction to your trust is motivated with selfish purpose, your soul will see their intention as their truth and NOT a reflection of who you are as a person. The soul will show you your truth as well, and if what they are doing does not sit with your soul it's OK they've just revealed they are not for your attention any longer. Nothing right or wrong; they are just guided by a different purpose.

AS the soul comes from source and as we trust ours, we need to trust that other’s souls have their own purpose. Everyone and every soul is unique to their own being. Trust in that then all becomes peaceful.
