FAITH- Find All In The Heart
Richard Decker Apr 15, 2019


Have faith in yourself!

We hear our loved ones say to us whenever we second guess ourselves.

Have faith in yourself!

We read from inspiration posters hanging up in public spaces.

“Have Faith in yourself!”

We never hear us say to ourselves.

It’s true when you hear the saying that you are your “harshest critic” or your “worst enemy.”

For one reason or another humans are incredibly hard on themselves. We have set an unreasonable bar for ourselves based on achievements, money, stability etc.

We are in a perpetual cycle of comparing ourselves with others and in an exhausting state of competition with one another.

And frankly, it’s ridiculous.

It’s ridiculous and sends one very disturbing message:

We lack faith.

We lack faith within ourselves to feel confident and content with what we have. And worse yet, we second guess who we are and what we are capable of.

Faith is important for a number of reasons but above all it teaches us to believe in ourselves and believe in the choices we make. Faith is the driving force behind our confidence to participate in life WITH confidence. Faith is our personal guidance system through life.

I want you to take a moment and consider your answer(s) to the following questions:

  1. Think of something you really want to do but haven’t done yet.
  2. Think of a time you could have done something you wanted to do but didn’t
  3. Think of something you didn’t do today, but wanted.

Now I want you to go back through your answers and find the common denominator to all of those questions.

Have you found that the word “I” pops up frequently?

“I really want to travel around the world but I…….”

“There was this one time I was offered this great job but I….”

“Today I didn’t exercise because I…..”

If this sounds familiar then you’ve found the root cause of your issue. You are getting in your own way. And chances are you’re doing a bit of self-sabotaging.

When you place faith within your own abilities, you no longer wonder if you are capable of achieving the goals you set out for yourself. You no longer rely on others validation of your words, thoughts, and actions. And you no longer seek the approval from others based on how you compare with them in this world.


The physical definition of faith is used often by all religions.

But when we look at faith from a metaphysical perspective, we Find (that) All In The Heart, provides the only definition we ever need to know. The heart is the first organ developed in the embryo which continues pumping life for our entire journey.

If you live through the heart you're using your own personal guidance system, that operates soulfully out of love instead of ego.


The brain which is the last major organ developed, gave birth to and houses the ego. The heart represents our inner being while the brain is a reflection of our ego. Many of us experience inner conflict between the heart and the brain. It is when we desire happiness we live through the heart as the heart houses no memory of past experiences, it just exists to exist without judgment.


When we lead with the heart we come from the inside out not from the outside in. The heart knows all and is not confused by the physical world and the happenings that surround us. The heart holds nothing; it is an open heart, an open mind, and has no attachment, just true inner peace.


The brain and ego record and remember vibrations and wrongly associate the past happenings to present day circumstances. We sit in meditation to quiet the brain and find the source of life in faith which thrives in the heart.

Live through your heart after all it is what gives us life. There are thousands living in this world brain dead due to many reasons; accidents, disease, drugs etc they will live until their heart stops. There is not one person living heart dead. Find your faith and go inside and sit with your heart it is here for your happiness and existence.

